Module 1 : Prophesying As A Prophet
In this module we will discuss the journey from calling to office as a prophet. We will explore how to hear God, embracing the core values of the prophetic, learning joy, teachability, prophesying out of the new covenant, community mindset of a healthy prophet, becoming prophets of love, prophets who forgive, being prophets of provision, and how to draw in healthy mentors. We will also activate prophesying from a victorious eschatology and mindset, seeing visions, discerning prophesy, practicing various triggers like seeing familiar faces and prophesying through numbers. We will also explore other fun ways to grow in the prophetic.
Module 2 : Prophets Bring The Kingdom
In this module we will discuss how prophets bring the Kingdom and how they do it through prophecy. We will address why prophets must not have a political prejudice, how to influence influencers and learn to live accepted by God. Prophets don't let fear rule them and we will do acts that break fear specifically. Healthy prophets love accountability and must learn to rule their spirit. Prophets are called to bring breakthrough and we will learn when to release the prophetic and when to hold it. We will activate by releasing prophetic acts that shift things and fully step into our identity as Son/Daughter and Bride of Christ. We will also discuss seers and how they may be prophets, although not every prophet is a seer.
Module 3 : Prophets In Heavenly Places
In this module, we will discuss how prophets are called to live in heavenly places and grow their relationship with God so they can release heaven's atmosphere wherever they go. Prophets must also learn to live in humility and healthy submission. We will discuss what ecstatic prophecy is and how to activate signs and wonders and steward theophany and angelic encounters and operate in the spirit realm. Prophets must learn to strengthen themselves through their prophetic words and not move in presumption. Prophets must understand how to engage and disengage with warfare, walk in authority and shift rooms with love, joy and peace. We will activate words of knowledge and learn how to do this on the streets. We will regularly encounter the heart of our good Father and learn to release His heart to his children.
Module 4 : Understanding Who You Are As A Prophet
In this module we will once again review how you can know if you are indeed a prophet. We will address the confusion that comes and how to remove any unfair comparisons. We will discuss the motivational design gifts and embrace their variety in prophets. We will review how you receive revelation as a prophet and how to find your current metron. We will review how to embrace mentors and learn what things can disqualify you as a prophet. We want to grow your identity as a prophet, discover your uniqueness, and establish a healthy work ethic so you can know if you are ready for the office of the prophet. We will activate ways to pray and how to get a heart for a person, people group or nation. We will discuss what it means to be a watchmen prophet, a psalmist prophet, a revivalist prophet, intercessor prophet and Aaron prophet. We will also gain understanding of what it means to be in covenant and stay in covenant as a prophet in healthy relationship with God and others.
Module 5 : Training The Public Voice Of The Prophet
In this module we will practice ways to speak clearly and communicate effectively, speak with boldness, discover and speak your favourite message, speak with authority and how to speak within a team. We will continue to learn how to rule our gift and how to prophesy in a group. We will continue to grow by knowing our identity as a prophet, correctly interpreting the atmosphere and learning how to shift it. Prophets must love the Word of God and know the Word of God. We will learn how to lean into the nabi flow of the prophetic and how to equip others as well.
Module 6 : Prophets In Community
In this module we will discuss how to navigate relationships well. We will learn how to engage in healthy confrontation, maintain healthy boundaries in relationships, embrace healthy levels of vulnerability, and maintain honor. We will grow and practice the gift of discernment, words of knowledge, the power of thankfulness, laughter and praise (halal). We will break off the poverty spirit and learn how to share our testimony in a powerful way. We will learn to step into prophesying over nations and how to become prophets who are in it for the long-haul.